Thursday, April 17, 2014


The bible is filled with amazing life lessons that come from the lives of real people who went through some of the same things that we experience today (Ecclesiastes 1:9).  In addition to everyday challenges, there were also some scandalous occurrences that happened throughout the bible such as the situation of adultery and murder with David, Bathsheba, and Uriah (2 Samuel 11),  the issue with Ananias and Sapphira withholding money from the church (Acts 5:1-11), and the time when Solomon had to decide who the real mother of the live baby was (1 Kings 3:16).  Even though all of those examples were major scandals, perhaps, the biggest and most referenced scandal in history happened when Judas, one of the twelve disciples, betrayed Jesus for thirty pieces of silver.

The day before Jesus was taken to be sacrificed, he celebrated the Passover and his last supper with his disciples.  While they ate, Jesus brought up the fact that one of them would betray him.  The bible states that the disciples were upset and they asked, "Is it me?"  Jesus didn't respond to the other disciples ;however, when Judas asked the same thing, Jesus said, "Thou hast said."  Even though Jesus was in the middle of the biggest scandals in history, he continued forward in love and temperance and stayed focused on his mission all the way to the cross.  Jesus has given us the best example of how to live through challenges and even through scandals.  His sacrifice is the reason why we can rejoice during good times and hardships.  His love for us is the reason why we have an opportunity to receive eternal life.

We would like to invite you, your family, and friends to the Church of Atlanta Lighthouse this Friday at 7pm for our Good Friday service and this Sunday for  our Easter Resurrection services at 8:30am and 11am to celebrate our Great Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We look forward to seeing you there!

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